Co-op Updates for Feb & Join us at our March 12 Board Meeting

Posted on February 20, 2025

The Co-op had a lot of fun tabling at the MWV Ice Fest earlier this month!  Many Board of Directors members were working or volunteering at the fest, and we swapped shifts at the Co-op table, spreading the word about the Co-op’s mission to start a community-centered indoor bouldering facility in the MWV Valley.  We also gave away some swag to winners of our rope coiling contest.  Many thanks to one energetic co-op volunteer who took a table shift when no one else could.

Speaking of volunteering… the co-op is looking for volunteers with expertise in all aspects of running a non-profit.  If you’ve got experience in non-profit management, real estate, construction, community outreach/social media, legal services, or accounting, and you’re willing to consult with us when questions come up, please reach out to us at [email protected].  And if you don’t have expertise in those areas, but want to help out with the co-op, either now or when we have a facility, please email us, too!

Updates from our February Board of Directors meeting (full meeting minutes here):

  • We got an update about our application for non-profit status in NH: it’s submitted but still pending.
  • Before our March meeting, a subcommittee plans to meet to create a consistent community outreach strategy, including social media.  We want to keep our members and the public updated on our progress on a regular basis.
  • We’re continuing to get organized:  We discussed and made plans for website updates, member and volunteer database upkeep, and updating our Mailchimp newsletter email lists.
  • We ended the meeting with updates on 3 potential gym spaces and have follow-up action items for all 3 spaces.

Our next Board of Directors meeting will be on Wednesday, March 12 @ 6:30pm upstairs at IME.  Public welcome!  We’re always looking for new people to get involved in the co-op.  A Zoom link will also be available for remote attendance.  Please email [email protected] for the link.