The MWV Co-op Board of Directors (BOD) met on January 15 for our monthly meeting. Check out the full meeting minutes here. Some highlights:
- At our annual co-op member meeting in December, the BOD presented a few co-op bylaw amendments to the membership for a vote. By the time voting closed in January, 44 members had voted, and all amendments passed. Once the amendments have been filed with and accepted by the Secretary of State, we’ll post the amended bylaws document on our About page.
- We’re continuing to pursue non-profit status in New Hampshire to make fundraising easier and also to become eligible for certain grants. The co-op is already recognized as a non-profit at the federal level.
- We’re continuing the hone our organizational systems and outreach plan: member database, emails lists, website updates, social media, email newsletters.
- We shared updates on several potential gym rental spaces. The BOD visited one space that looks promising, and we’re going to take next steps to see if it’s a viable option.
- We’ll be tabling at the MWV Ice fest Jan 31 through Feb 2 at Ledge Brewing in Intervale, NH. Curious about what’s happening with the co-op? Stop by and say hi!
Our next Board of Directors meeting will be on Feb 12 @ 6pm upstairs at IME. Public welcome! We’re always looking for new people to get involved in the co-op. A Zoom link will also be available for remote attendance. Please email [email protected] for the link.